The Big Green Bus of Love

The One Spot Bus is comin’ and everybody’s jumpin’
Gosford through San Fransisco
Climb on it’s like a free disco,
The print machines are turnin’ and traffic lights are burnin’
So if you like savin’ money,
Get on and move your body
Any hoot, we like to think we do our bit to keep the community connected!
#vengaboys #weliketoparty #onespotprint #vengaboysarestillrelevant #gosford
#australia #centralcoast #wehaveabus
2 thoughts on “The Big Green Bus of Love”
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The Big Green Bus now lives on a campsite in Wealden, East Sussex. Its creator, carpenter Adam Collier-Woods, 42, said: ‘The whole project is one massive recycling exercise. I saved it from a horrible death’
Hey nice info Tam. Pretty sure our big green bus is kinda new and it’s daily route is Australia’s beautiful Central Coast in NSW. Come visit! 🙂