Guitar Heroes

Tamworth’s Big Golden Guitar sure struck a chord with The Fresh Prints and his best mate, the king of stubby coolers, Don Stubbs! The 12 metre-tall, 500kg instrument played its first tune back in 1988, which was music to the ears of country music fans!
Despite having no strings, the guitar has managed to strike a chord with the more than four million admirers who have had their photo taken with it over the years. The wonder of the Big Golden Guitar is amplified by the fact it’s a scale replica of the trophies handed out at the Australian Country Music Awards.
After treating their adoring fans to a heartfelt rendition of A Pub With No Beer, the boys enjoyed a delicious lunch at the adjacent Beans Cafe with country music legends Lee Kernaghan and Gina Jeffreys. With 42 Country Music Awards between them, you might think Lee and Gina have everything they could ever want, but surprisingly they mentioned that they’re short on quality custom-printed business cards, stubby coolers, corflute signs, marquees, air fresheners, bar runners, coffee mugs and vinyl banners.
Never one to miss an opportunity, The Fresh Prints introduced Lee Kernaghan and Gina Jeffreys to One Spot’s massive range of print and promo material, and the two were able to quickly and easily order just what they wanted. In fact, Lee was so impressed that he handed the little monkey one of his Country Music Awards to say thanks!